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Criminal dies crime prevails: India

Writer: The MegonThe Megon

Criminals need to be punished and put into trials, but what about the criminals in the ‘suits’ ? Because crime prevails even after the criminal is eliminated . Crime position remains the same, they never vanish.

In-spite of all the various existing theories of punishments , criminals are eliminated even before trail, therefore, the chapters of crime remain unopened which would have brought to the fore his obvious nexus with the larger system, that make the criminal.

In one of the recent case of  gangster Vikash Dubey L. P. Misra  Senior Lawyer, had said , “I wonder if we are still living in a democratic state where the police appear to be turning into criminals…First, the cops went about demolishing criminal house in gross violation of law and in the bargain also destroyed evidence. And now they have killed him in cold blood- and they call it encounter.”

Elimination of the accused and not prevention of the crime seems to prevail and this should be unacceptable to a society governed by the rule of the law . The biggest problem facing the Judiciary is the number of pending cases-over three crores. Sad but true enough our criminal justice system has become dysfunctional and near to collapse. And the independence of the judiciary has left a big question mark on the faith and public trust in the functioning.

People of our country still continue to have faith in our Judges and justice delivery system. However it is important to notice the slowly eroding faith in Judiciary system witnessed by the successive events of the last couple of years. Perhaps very quick and necessary corrective measures are needed to rescue the system from a complete collapse, thereby eliminating the crime and not only the criminal.


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