Specialization inMechanical Engineering
Specialization in Mechanical Engineering
Get Full Course in Rs. 45000
(EMI Applicable)
Get this course for only 4500/- (90% off) due to COVID19
(This course starts from may-15-2020)

This course is intended for the students those who wants to make a specialization in the field of Mechanical Engineering.
Mechanical engineering is an engineering discipline that combines engineering physics and mathematics principles with materials science to design, analyze, manufacture, and maintain mechanical systems. ... It is the branch of engineering that involves the design, production, and operation of machinery.
Here we deal with the Essential program for mechanical engineering from basics to specialization in each and every topics which helps the students for pursuing their masters or Ph.d in their future . This course gives you everything Knowledge needed for the Mechanical engineers.
Revision of Mathematics and Statics and Strength of Materials
Fundamentals of Basic Mathematics Related to mechanical engineering
effects of forces on materials
Tensile testing
Forces acting at a point
Simply supported beams
Forces in structures
Bending moment and shear force diagrams
First and second moments of areas
Bending of beams
Twisting of shafts
Linear and angular motion
Linear momentum and impulse
Force, mass and acceleration
Work, energy and power
Motion in a circle
Simple harmonic motion
Simple machines
Part Four Heat Transfer and Fluid Mechanics
Heat energy and transfer
Thermal expansion
Fluid flow
Ideal gas laws
The measurement of temperature
EXAM - 1
EXAM - 2
EXAM - 3
About this course
With this course, you will get:
Full, free lifetime access to all lectures
All future extra lectures and upgrades will always be free.
Lots of doubts clearance sessions
Lots of extra seminars
Why our course? :
We are following the learning by doing approach which is proven the best for learning
Every doubt will be cleared then and there
Even in WhatsApp group there will be very experienced professors to clear your doubts in less time
Practice exercises makes you every small concepts and important concepts very thoroughly
Tests shows you the level of understanding , if the score is less then the students will be taken extra care in subject
Gives few real-life projects
Who can take this course?
Students who wants to
Conduct the research
Pursue Masters or Ph.D
Specialization in the field of Mechanical Engineering.