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Surface Modelling in SolidWorks

Get Full Course in Rs. 20000

(EMI Applicable)

Get this course for only 2000/- (90% off) due to COVID19

Surface modelling using solidworks.png

SolidWorks is a solid modeling computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided    engineering (CAE) computer program that runs primarily on Microsoft Windows. SolidWorks is published by Dassault Systems.

This is a streamlined course to take you from knowing nothing about SOLIDWORKS to give you all the knowledge and skills needed to become a certified SOLIDWORKS associate. This course should enable you to, with confidence, use SOLIDWORKS to design your next innovation. When designing a model using SOLIDWORKS, you can visualize it in three dimensions, the way the model exists once it is manufactured. After this course, you can proudly list your SOLIDWORKS skills in your resume.


About this course:

With this course, you will get:

  • Full, free lifetime access to all lectures.

  • All future extra lectures and upgrades will always be free.

  • lots of  Practice projects

  • Lots of doubts clearance sessions

  • Lots of  extra seminars

I stress that you need no prior experience and there is nothing to buy or pay for!!! You will only need SOLIDWORKS itself.

Why our course? :

  • We are following the learning by doing approach which is proven the best for learning software like SOLIDWORKS.

  • Every doubt will be cleared then and there

  • Even in WhatsApp group there will be very experienced professors to clear your doubts in less time

  • Practice exercises makes you every small concepts and important concepts very thoroughly.

  • Tests shows you the level of understanding , if the score is less then the students will be taken extra care in subject

  • Gives few real-life projects.

  • Even the interview questions will also be thought keeping in mind that students has to meet their goals when sat for an interview.

  • Job assistance will be done life-time



What You will learn


  • You will learn to navigate through SOLIDWORKS interface.

  • sketch with different sketch commands.

  • define sketches using relations or distances.

  • use more different features to create 3D models. (extruded boss and cut, fillet, chamfers, revolved boss and cut, swept boss and cut, lofted boss and cut).

  • create additional reference planes.

  • modify given parts to match design needs.


  • explore different materials for your models.

  • find your model's mass, volume, and center of gravity.

  • assemble different parts into an assembly file.

  • generate drawings from parts and models.

  • interpret different drawing annotations.

  • Building Multiple Configurations of Parts  Updating Models

  • Automatically Importing and Exporting Files.


  • Surface modelling of Bugatti Veyron


  • 5 small Practice projects

  • Design and assemble MAZDA v6 engine










  • Harley Davidson Engine 



  1. 7 practice exercises

  2. Attend interview questions given in test

  3. Build a concept bike of your own

Who this course is for:

Students pursuing Aeronautical/Aerospace, Mechanical, or Automobiles. Individuals wanting to get started with 3D modeling. Designers, Engineers, Individuals wanting to get a better job via SOLIDWORKS skills. Individuals wanting to list SOLIDWORKS skills in their resume.


Get a project + certification in just Rs. 500/-

(Expert IIT Professor Help Free)

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Eligibility: Clear the Scholarship Exam

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