DIY or Homemade beauty products are one of our favorite things to use in our daily beauty routine. The liberty of mixing together our favorite natural ingredients and creating your very own products is something we should celebrate more often. One of the very popular ingredients that people use when making most important beauty products is definitely aloe vera, for all its amazing benefits. Jump onto the bandwagon and check out the two most amazing and 100%effective aloe beauty DIY.

1 cup of Warm Water
2 Tablespoons of Aloe Vera gel
2 Tablespoons of Green Tea
1 Vitamin E Oil tab
A spray bottle
Per usual, before jumping into the crafting process, let’s quickly talk about these ingredients’ benefits.
1. Aloe Vera Gel is a pretty common skincare ingredient, and has a wide variety of benefits. It is a wonderful moisturizer, and helps fight acne and blemishes; also, it may help controlling and preventing breakouts. Moreover, it will help reduce texture and shrink pores.
2. Green Tea is not only a delicious beverage, but also a neat skincare ingredient! It will help prevent breakouts and fight acne, and help unclog pores. Moreover, this liquid will also promote healthier and glowing skin, all the while evening out the complexion.
3. Vitamin E Oil Tab is mostly here to allow you to carry this spray around without having to store it in the fridge, but has a few benefits of its own. It will help reduce acne and texture on the skin, as well as boost your collagen production; this will have your skin looking young, flawless and glowing!
The first thing you want to do is make your green tea. Leave the bag infusing into the hot, boiling water for about 5 minutes; then, allow the liquid to cool down for 15-20 minutes.
Once the tea has cooled down, add it to the distilled water; at this point, you’ll want to add your aloe vera gel and vitamin E oil tab as well.
To ensure you’ll have a perfect blend, keep stirring the mixure for at least a couple of minutes. You want the ingredients to be nicely blended, so take your time when it comes to mixing; once the consistency is clear and cohesive, you’ll know it’s ready.
Apply the scrub gently on the face and leave it for 10-15mins. Wash it off with Cold Water!
Do this Once a month.
2. Aloe Acne Gel.

Lemon juice is a common remedy used for many skin issues, including acne. It has astringent (drying) properties. Thus, it may help dry out pimples and reduce acne.
Caution: Do not use this remedy if you have sensitive skin as lemon juice can cause redness and irritation. Excess lemon juice can also dry out your skin.
Mix ¼ teaspoon of lemon juice with 2 tablespoons of aloe vera gel. Apply the mixture on the affected area. Wash it off after it dries. Also, use sunscreen afterward if you are going out as lemon makes your skin photosensitive.
Apply the gel in a circula motion and keep it overnight!